Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Wow it's been a while eh?

So it's been too long. I should start this thing up again. Going to see the new Warcraft Movie in about an hour with my wonderful wife. It didn't get great reviews but we were huge Warcraft players back in the day before Panda's ruined the game.so we should get mild enjoyment out of it at least.

Maybe I'll report on it later...

I've recently gotten back into EVE Online again. It's a great game if you enjoy spaceships and having a lot to think about. There's a lot to do in the game and I've chosen Planetary Interaction (setting up manufacturing sites on planets that make stuff for me to sell) as well as my FAVOURITE thing...


Which is where you fly around finding long forgotten relics and HACKING into them for epic loots. It's quite enjoyable.

And then there's Destiny for the PS4 which I've rekindled an old love affair with. You can check my Destiny Stats or ADD ME ON PS4 and play with me sometime if you'd like. Yeah that's what I'm up to these days... stay tuned!

We're watching you.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Fray Concert

The Fray. A group of four highly talented individuals who, when together create a some of the most amazing music I know. The Fray is easily a favourite band of mine. A band classified as making "alternative rock" or "piano rock" hailing from Denver, Colorado that has been together for over a decade.

And last weekend I was lucky enough to experience them in person with the woman I love.

As with most concerts, the main band that everyone paid to see wasn't the ONLY band performing. There were two pre-show groups that I hadn't ever heard of before. First, Oh Honey jumped on stage to start the evening. The music wasn't too bad but I was quite thrown off by the way their lead singer tried guilt tripping the audience for not dancing along.

The next group was awesome... and modest! Three dudes walked onto the stage next calling themselves Barcelona.

This is my favourite song from Barcelona:

These guys sounded amazing, and better yet, had some serious soul! All three of them were putting everything they were made of into this performance and boy did I ever notice! Think of The Fray with an electric twist. Like what you might hear in a club. That was Barcelona, and it was great. I remember telling Hannah "screw The Fray, let's keep these guys on stage". As they left the stage they nonchalantly gave the audience their thanks and told us to get ready... because The Fray was about to "knock our faces off". I should have heeded their warning.

*     *     *     *     *

The crew began to remodel the stage. Big silver boxes and brand new instruments were brought out. I started to get a weird feeling deep inside me sort of where my stomach is, but not quite. It might be important to inform you at this point that The Fray has been one of my favourite bands for a very long time. When I heard they were performing so close... in my very own city of Vancouver... in Stanley Park of all places, well, I was speechless. I texted Hannah to let her know of this world changing discovery before I even knew what my fingers were doing. I thank the E-havens for her awesomeness every day, because she didn't even hesitate. Before I knew it we had tickets, and arrangements were made. Memories WOULD be made.

Then, there they were. I could see them. The crowd erupted as if a volcano had just come out of dormancy. As soon as the music started I forgot everything else I had heard earlier that evening. I was in a trance of awe and excitement. It didn't take long for Hannah and I to pack up our "picnic" and get to the stage. 

The Fray gave an amazing performance. It even included a very special singing of Happy Birthday to one of their crew members who they proceeded to invite onto the stage and gift a cake to. Which was then used to make a hilarious mess of the stage. 

Special 'Happy Birthday' Bit for a Crew Member

They even had beach balls flying around the crowd and high fives from the lead singer (Isaac) who even ran through the crowd at one point in the middle of a song! It was a ton of fun and I would definitely do it again in a heartbeat (no pun intended).

Awesome Beach Ball Action (please excuse the bass)

Here's "Wherever This Goes". It was performed directly after the birthday song. It was pretty cool having the crowd involved. Lots of feels.

"Wherever This Goes" performed Live

All-in-all it was an absolutely wonderful night. The Fray was great. I look forward to the next time I get a chance to see them.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

25th Birthday Party

So I'm turning 25 this friday, and I usually don't have parties but I figured 25 is sorta a big deal/milestone so I did something special. I had a couple friends over yesterday for the party and we basically just drank and chilled. I know a few people isn't really a "big deal" type party in most peoples opinions but I usually only hang out with like one person at a time and I hadn't seen one of my friends in a while so it was totally fun.

It was a beautiful sunny day so we spent most of it in the backyard and played Rummoli for a while followed by a game of Rummikub, and then some Pictionary which was definitely the most fun. (Poor Matt didn't win any games of Pictionary).

Before the games commenced, however, we started with the drinks. A couple weeks ago my wife had found an awesome website called The Drunken Moogle which has a lot of different alcoholic beverages named after video game characters or items etc. So I fell in love with the Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise combo and started my journey searching for the ingredients to make the pokemon evolution happen in my liver!

Everyone except the pregnant wife started with 3 tiny shots of Squirtle (probably equaling 1 1/2 actual shots). Matt wasn't feeling too great with his cold, so he started a beer. Sean poored himself a rum and coke, and I concocted my very first Wartortle! Then after a couple hours of Rummoli we had some ice cream cake, which I usually get from Dairy Queen but decided to try from a new place this time called Marble Slab Creamery and trust me, it was worth it! I got to choose three flavours of ice cream, which were layered from bottom to top in this order: French Toast, Double Chocolate, and Blueberry. Then I picked two toppings which were actually smushed into the ice cream as opposed to placed on top, and they were Marshmallows and Sprinkles! I also got the cake designer to hand draw the Autobot symbol which he did a great job of!

Unfortunately, we were too eager to eat it before any pictures were taken :( but this is half of it:

After Pictionary we had pizza for dinner (after the cake :p) and went inside to finish off the night with some multiplayer Halo: Reach and Left 4 Dead 2

During the course of the night I'm told I had 2 full Squirtles, 4 Wartortles, and a Blastoise. Pretty great night, and an even better 25th birthday party!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Starcraft 2 BETA Comeback

This is a really old video (for those who remember the SC2 BETA it's from back then) but I was going through my old stuff and I really liked this game. Thank you Blizzard for the feature to record and re-watch previous matches, or this video would have been a lot longer :p

Anyway, for a good ol' comeback match 1v1 Protoss vs. Terran, watch this.

I hope to get back into SC2 one day. Playing 2v2's with the wife for days on end was definitely super fun.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Me winnng a LoL game.

     Just an addition to my last blog post. I recorded a game of League of Legends last night. Nothing really too special. In fact I didn't do too well at all, BUT I won! Which is important. So if you have 45 minutes to spare, or the video loads quickly and you feel like skipping to the exciting parts, here is the video. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

League Of Legends Pwnage

   I started playing a new game a few weeks ago. Biggest draw in was that it's free to play. You may have heard of it. A little RTS called League Of Legends. A lot like DotA from Warcraft 3. If you have no idea what any of that means, then you probably shouldn't read the rest of this post unless you want to hear about how much i pwn.
   I'm level 15 now (the maximum is 30) and after trying a lot of the champions, I've decided on Miss Fortune as my champion of choice. It totally sucked for a couple weeks because I had wasted my points to unlock champs I really didn't like very much (Veigar & Kayle) so after MF was no longer free I had to experiment with different champs for a while until I had saved up 6300 points to unlock her. I really started to like Heimerdinger but of course his free time came to an end too.
   So anyway, I finally gathered the points a couple days ago and life is good again with MF permanently at my disposal. Been doing really well playing 5v5's but can't win them all because it's tough to always get good team mates :(

Here's a lil peek at my capabilities:

     - I had to play as Karthus because someone else picked MF before I could.
     - I left the match on the bottom because my lag was so bad that i couldnt even see anyone moving!

     That's all for now! If you wanna play with me, it's a free download and free to play and my summoner name is: FrostShady 


Sunday, April 3, 2011

I cut a piece of cake!

     My wonderful fiance baked a cake and I was given the honour of cutting the first slice! Watch intently as I show you my amazing skill of cutting cake while holding a camera!
